How to get journalism work experience

How to get journalism work experience

We know how hard it is to get journalism work experience – especially if you don’t want to spend a week making tea. So, whether it’s news, sport or fashion journalism work experience you’re interested in – here are a few tips for landing that all-important placement....
Top tips: how to prepare for an interview

Top tips: how to prepare for an interview

Whether you’re fresh out of school or thinking of leaving your current job, knowing how to prepare for an interview is a must. Going for an interview can be extremely daunting but being well-prepared and well-dressed is a good start. Sweaty palms and butterflies...
Building your journalism portfolio

Building your journalism portfolio

When building your journalism portfolio, the question on the lips of every aspiring journalist is how to make it stand out to employers. Your journalism portfolio should include: your CV, a short personal profile, samples of your work, contact details and links to...