Top ten takeaways from JournoFest 2021

Top ten takeaways from JournoFest 2021

JournoFest 2021 was packed full of extraordinary insights, intriguing stories from across the globe, and expert career advice from our star guest speakers.  On Saturday March 6, 2021 we hosted our fifth ever free journalism conference, JournoFest, for trainees and...
Everything you need to know about local democracy reporters

Everything you need to know about local democracy reporters

You might have come across journalists who describe themselves as ‘local democracy reporters’ – but who are they and what do they do? Here is everything you need to know! We spoke to News Associates alumni who now work as local democracy reporters (LDRs) about their...
Best pieces of advice from our journalism masterclasses

Best pieces of advice from our journalism masterclasses

Whether you want to start your own publication, podcast or newsletter, you can find out how with the best pieces of advice from our journalism masterclasses in February half term.   Our fantastic guest speakers drew on their own experiences and success to give...
How to network during lockdown

How to network during lockdown

Eat, sleep, Zoom, repeat – as pandemic life continues, many aspiring journalists may be wondering how to break out of the cycle and how to network during lockdown. Do not give up hope! We have more access to technology and ways to stay connected than ever before, and...
Best places to find positive news

Best places to find positive news

When reading or watching the news, it can sometimes be hard to find stories that put a smile on your face – so we thought we’d help by giving you a list of the best places to find positive news. Whether you’re a sucker for solutions journalism or simply want to find...