by sportsbeat | May 21, 2020 | Blog
Our newsrooms may have fallen uncharacteristically silent but The School of Journalism trainees certainly haven’t – but would you expect anything else? As ‘Zoom’ becomes a new verb, our trainees have embraced the video conferencing platform to hold a...
by sportsbeat | Apr 15, 2020 | Blog
We offer each of our trainees up to £1,000 every summer of their degree to spend on journalism work experience or a journalism project. It’s part of what makes us the UK’s most practical journalism degree. Here, trainee Luke Madeira tells us how he used his journalism...
by sportsbeat | Apr 14, 2020 | Blog
The buzz of the byline – it never goes away! Writes our head of journalism Andrew Greaves. I think every journalist remembers the first time they saw their name in print next to a story they’d written. I certainly do. It was during a stint on work experience at the...
by sportsbeat | Apr 13, 2020 | Blog
The art of successful interviewing is often overlooked in newsrooms, writes our deputy managing editor Graham Dudman. And I don’t mean job interviews. I’m talking about gathering information by speaking to people either face to face or on the phone or via Skype/Zoom...
by sportsbeat | Apr 11, 2020 | Blog
The COVID-19 outbreak means most of us will be housebound for the foreseeable future, which may leave us feeling anxious, frustrated, lonely and most notably, bored, so School of Journalism trainee and Mancunian Matters journalist Anna Brocklehurst has done some...
by sportsbeat | Mar 19, 2020 | Blog
Looking through pages and pages of journalism jobs or tying to gain some valuable journalism work experience? There are plenty of websites out there which can help make that search easier. From LinkedIn to the BBC careers page there are lots of different ways to look...